ZUoS featuring at Scottish Enterprise Innovation Summit
Alex Schlicke was filmed for Scottish Enterprise’s 2021 Innovation Summit. This took place online, which along with the freezing outside location in January, reflects the need for continued precautions as we find ways of continuing to work amidst the threat of Covid-19.
Scene Connect, one of the founding companies of ZUoS, and project lead of the innovation projects which were instrumental in developing the ZUoS platform, were picked as one of only three SME Stage competition winners to profile the ZUoS innovation in front of 1,000 delegates. The CanDo Innovation Summit is a focal point for business innovation in Scotland – spanning across all industries, with the aim of supporting business leaders to embrace progressive cultures and enabling new technologies to grow through collaborative innovation.
The link for the event has now been posted, with Alex’s 5 minute presentation starting at 7:15.